
Female Intuition by Yan Paez

Before I met you in the hallway

I already knew how you went by

The winds blew astray

Your eyes the size of hundred whys

A chance was waiting to be stolen

A little tease of doubts and stares

A shot in the dark that has fallen

The space between our glance were flares

Your glasses bathed in sweat

My skin is the color of an apple

Sweet but looks like an impending threat

Yours the taste of a mapple

I, the timid, the one who has no nerve

To walk across the aisle

You, the jovial who has the guts

To accept the butter on the fly

We became a universe overnight

My stars exploded, your moon burst

Your skies became white, the shadow of gray

Mine turned evergreen, the hue of aquamarine

The colors that lasted forever

Before the day my world melted

And split into two the other way.

Written : December 18, 2017

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